Bill Miller Recommended Reading List

Bill Miller is an American investor, fund manager, and philanthropist. He is known for management of a portfolio that beat the S&P 500 Index from 1991 to 2005 (15 years).

He served as the chairman and chief investment officer of Legg Mason Capital Management as well as the principal portfolio manager of the Legg Mason Capital Management Value Trust.

As Bill Miller achieved some amazing results, many want to learn how to do it, and one way is to learn how he thinks by reading the books he recommended. Below you will be able to find books that Bill Miller recommends with my reviews. Some of the links are affiliates, and I may earn a small commission when you make a purchase through them at no additional cost to you.

Value investing means really asking what are the best values, and not assuming that because something looks expensive that it is, or assuming that because a stock is down in price and trades at low multiples that it is a bargain … Sometimes growth is cheap and value expensive. . . . The question is not growth or value, but where is the best value … We construct portfolios by using ‘factor diversification.’ . . . We own a mix of companies whose fundamental valuation factors differ. We have high P/E and low P/E, high price-to-book and low-price-to-book.

Bill Miller

How to Buy Stocks by Louis Engel

Bill Miller said he read this book when he was 10 year old and learned about stocks in that way. Skimming through the book I can say that book is very informative and easy to read for such complex financial topics.

You will learn more about the fundamentals of dollar cost averaging and compounding, which are two of the most pivotal concepts in building for retirement.

However, the book is quite dated and could use some refreshness of the current market but still offers excellent place to learn various trading and investment techniques.

I highly recommend it to everyone, particularly students interested in stock market and young adults.

Scale by Geoffrey West

As all big investors, Bill Miller also study life, psychology and other fields trying to connect them with world of investing. This book is about the world and how it works. It discusses technological progress, growth of cities and ecological impact which hugely insightful and somewhat scary for us, both as individuals and as a species. Scale is a thrilling scientific adventure story about the elemental natural laws that bind us together in simple but profound ways.

On the other side, book could be somewhat shorter if West was more concise in his composition and spent less time creating anticipation for topics. Also, when talks about the companies, he lacked some depth and quality.

As the book is very useful if you want to understand common network features among complex systems like mammals, cities, companies, I would recommend to anyone who want a better understanding of life cycles as well as whole life.

“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing personal opinion.”

Bill Miller

Trading Bases by Joe Peta

As all big investors, Bill Miller also study life, psychology and other fields trying to connect them with world of investing. This book is about the world and how it works. It discusses technological progress, growth of cities and ecological impact which hugely insightful and somewhat scary for us, both as individuals and as a species. Scale is a thrilling scientific adventure story about the elemental natural laws that bind us together in simple but profound ways.

“f you are curious about how the world really works, you must read this book.”

Bill Miller

On the other side, book could be somewhat shorter if West was more concise in his composition and spent less time creating anticipation for topics. Also, when talks about the companies, he lacked some depth and quality.

As the book is very useful if you want to understand common network features among complex systems like mammals, cities, companies, I would recommend to anyone who want a better understanding of life and life cycles.

The Sports Gene by David Epstein

This book presents questions about myths, practices and decisions in sports history thoroughly vetted by research shared in a manner completely comprehensible to sports enthusiast interested in the truth, and how it has affected the progress and regressions in sports throughout history.

The book is informative and entertaining. I recommend it highly to everyone who wants to understand brilliant performance in life! The last chapter, “The Gold Medal Mutation,” may be particularly inspiring for all.

“I can’t remember a book that has fascinated, educated—and provoked—me as much as The Sports Gene. Epstein has changed forever the way we measure elite athletes and their achievements.”

Malcom Gladwell

Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime by Bruno Latour

This book is one of the easiest to understand about Brexit and Trumpism of any philosophy book I’ve read in years, and shows how these upheavals have less to do with sexism, racism, money, and all the other usual culprits, than they do with denial of the reality of global warming.

The book is informative and entertaining. I recommend it highly to everyone who wants to understand brilliant performance in life! The last chapter, “The Gold Medal Mutation,” may be particularly inspiring for all.

“…Latour’s most important contribution to current debates may be his untimely insistence on the importance of thinking universally in a post-universal world.”

Los Angeles Review of Books

The Construction of Social Reality by John R. Searle

The book will teach you about the physical and conceptual structure of social reality, for example, you will find out more about things as money, marriage, government, corporations, and cocktail parties. In simple, this book analyzes how human society functions and it does a really good job.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain better understanding of social world we live in.

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